III Летний сезон



МБОУ "Шахунская гимназия имени А.С. Пушкина"

III Летний сезон



III Летний  Интернет-сезон (11.06-08.09)

          1          Summer Reads

Read an English book and write its review.  Don’t forget the review plan:

1)    the title and the author,

2)    the plot,

3)    the main characters,

4)    would you recommend the book and why

Mind the number of words!

-       3-4 forms <100 words

-       5-8 forms 150-200 words

-       9-11 forms 200-250 words

Target groups:

-       2-4 forms – starter/beginner/elementary level

-       5-8 forms – pre-intermediate/intermediate level

-       9-11 forms – intermediate/upper-intermediate level


-       Соответствие теме

-       Соответствие объему

-       Лексико-грамматическое оформление

-       Орфография и пунктуация

-       Оригинальность


Attach the photo of the book’s cover or its electronic version to prove the real existence of the book!


          2          Photo Contest

Take a picture of your summer vocation and try to comment on them

Mind in your comments:

2-4 forms:

·        why you have chosen these ones

5-8 forms:

·        What/who is in the photo

·        What is happening

·        Why did you take this photo

9-11 forms:

·        When you took the photo

·        What/who is in the photo

·        What is happening

·        Why you took this photo

·        Why you decided to show us the picture

Target groups:

-       2-4 forms (50-70 words)

-       5-8 forms (90-100 words)

-       9-11 forms (100-120 words)


-       Соответствие теме

-       Лексико-грамматическое оформление

-       Орфография и пунктуация

-       Оригинальность

-        Качество фотографий


          3          ABC Summer Holidays in English Speaking Countries

Chose the right answer


2-4 классы   5-8 классы   9-11 классы




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